Covering around 130,000 square kilometers in Brazil, Pantanal is one of the most unique environments in the world. Home to abundant animal life and a natural breeding ground for a great number of birds, reptiles, fish and other animals for the delight of wildlife watchers and photographers. Although often described as such, the Pantanal is not a swamp, but a vast low-lying plain that each year is flooded by the waters of the Paraguay river.

The annual cycle begins with the summer rains in November and December, and the peak flood season is between January and March. As the waters recede the fish are trapped, providing feeding areas for the wildlife. The Pantanal is accessible throughout the year, but the best time to go is between April and October.

Some of the available packages to the PANTANAL:
PTL - 1, TABLELAND PENHASCO LODGE - 03 Days / 02 Nights Program
            Starting point - CUIABÁ
PTL - 2, ARARAS ECO LODGE - 04 Days / 03 Nights Program
            Starting point - CUIABÁ
PTL - 3, CAIMAN ECOLOGICAL REFUGE - 05 Days / 4 Nights Program
            Starting point - CAMPO GRANDE

* Contact us for more information.